All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via Both English and Chinese papers are acceptable, but only English manuscripts accepted by DDCLS'19 will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. The initial version of each paper can not exceed 8 pages. The camera-ready version of each accepted paper is also up to 8 pages in total, but each page in excess of 6 will incur an extra charge.
Paper Templates for DDCLS'19
MS Word and LaTeX templates are available below:
MS word format, Latex Format
We strongly recommend the authors to use these templates. If you choose not to use them, please make sure your paper strictly follows the formatting instructions.
How to Submit
All the submissions (including regular papers, invited session proposals, and invited session papers) and reviews are through the online submission system ( Please make sure you have a PIN in the online submission system before submitting your paper. If you do not have an account yet, please follow the instructions at the home page to get a new one. Please fill out all authors' PINs in the submission.
1. Prepare your FULL paper in PDF.
2. Log in the online submission system using your PIN and password.
3. Click "Author Center" of DDCLS'19.
4. Select a submission type (see below about the submission types), click "submit a new contribution" to start the submission
Each paper submitted successfully will have a unique Paper ID, please use it for any further correspondence.
Submission Types
Regular Paper
Papers on all aspects of the theory and application of data driven control and learning systems are invited in the form of regular paper.
The length of regular papers is limited to a maximum of 8 pages in the standard IEEE conference double column format). Registered and presented papers written in English will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Invited Session Proposal
The invited/special session organizers should submit a proposal (choose "Invited Session Proposal" in the submission) first, then a session code will be assigned to the session, and all the corresponding authors of the papers involved in the session should be informed of the session code by the session organizers. A session commonly consists of five to six papers.
Invited Session Paper
An invited/special session paper must be submitted in the submission type "Invited Session Paper" with the correct session code. Please note that all the invited/special session papers must be submitted before the indicated first submission deadline, and go through the review process with the regular papers.
The length of invited session papers is limited to a maximum of 8 pages in the standard IEEE conference double column format). Registered and presented papers written in English will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
For technical problems about the Conference Management System, please contact the conference secretary via